Herbal cough syrup

  • Raj Kumari Kataria I.T.S College of Pharmacy, Murad Nagar, Ghaziabad
  • Meenakshi Sharma
  • Abhilasha Mittal
  • Vishvanshi Tyagi


Introduction: Cough is one of the most common problems faced by all people. There are mainly two types of coughs one is dry cough and another one is wet cough; dry cough there is no mucous and secretion while in wet cough there is cough with mucous or secretion. Syrup is commonly used and popular dosage form which is used to cure cough and cold, because it having ease of patient’s compliance.

Method: The herbal plants of the herbal cough syrup was selected due to their reported action that plays a preventive and curative role in prevention of cough. The ingredients of the syrup are honey, Ginger, Tulsi, liquorice, Cardamom, Fennel, Clove which act as expectorant and antitussive. The finished herbal syrup’s quality was assessed for both pre and post formulation parameter. Formulation at the laboratory was evaluated for the number of parameters such as Colour, Odour, Taste, Ph determination, Viscosity and Specific Gravity.

Result and Discussion: Here, three batches were formulated by using honey base having various concentration such as 40%, 45% and 50 %w/v. The prepared syrup’s physiochemical qualities, including its colour, odour, pH, taste was found to be suitable.

Keywords: Syrup, Honey base, Ginger, Tulsi, Liquorice, Cardamom, Fennel, Clove, Antitussive, Expectorant


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How to Cite
Kataria, R. K., M. Sharma, A. Mittal, and V. Tyagi. “The FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF HERBAL COUGH SYRUP”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Vol. 7, no. 4, Jan. 2025, pp. 8-12, doi:10.31069/japsr.v7i4.02.
Research Articles