• Mohamad Younas Naser Para Clinic Department of Paktia Medical Faculty, Paktia University, Afghanistan


Coronary diseases are caused due to inability of arteries to carry sufficient oxygenated blood to the heart muscles. Mostly obstruction to the blood flow occurs due to formation of a clot in the blood vessels. Thrombosis leads to narrowing of blood vessels and to correct narrowed blood vessels a specialized medical device- stents are placed inside the vessels via angioplasty. Even after successful placement of stents and correction of blood vessel narrowing problem occurs. Stent thrombosis is such a common problem which occurs after percutaneous coronary intervention. It occurs due to formation of blood clots within or around the stent blocking the vessel partially or entirely leading to heart attack and other health issues. This review article focuses on establishing a basic understanding of stent thrombosis along with few case histories of reoccurrences of stent thrombosis where patients suffered stent thrombosis. Various online scientific and medical databases like MedScape, Medline, Science Direct, SciLit, Scopus, Web of Science, Research Gate, Google Scholar were browsed to collect the literature on ‘Stent thrombosis’ and ‘Recurrences of Stent Thrombosis’ for compilation of this review article. This study revealed that modern scientifically evolved and tested and medicated stents along with blood thinners can be a standard method for prevention of ‘stent thrombosis’.

Keywords: Stent thrombosis, Angioplasty, Recurrence, Percutenous Cornonary Intervention, Myocardial infarction


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How to Cite
Naser, M. “REOCURRENCE OF STENT THROMBOSIS POST ANGIOPLASTY- A COMPHRENSIVE REVIEW”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Vol. 7, no. 1, May 2024, pp. 13-21, doi:10.31069/japsr.v7i1.03.
Review Articles