• Vikas Sharma Department of Biology, College of Education, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq
  • Chandana Majee Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Plot No. 19, Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201306, India
  • Rahul Kaushik Department of Pharmacognosy, Ram-Eesh Institute of Vocational and Technical Education, Plot No. 03, Knowledge Park-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201306, India
  • Sunita Kumari Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Plot No. 19, Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201306, India
  • Divya Sharma Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Plot No. 19, Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201306, India
  • Rajni Sawanny Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Plot No. 19, Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201306, India
  • Shivali Bhardwaj Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Plot No. 19, Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201306, India
  • Baitullah Abdali Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Paktya University, Afghanistan.


There is other general wellbeing emergency undermining the world with the rise and spread of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) or the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The infection started in bats and was transmitted to people through yet obscure go-between creatures in Wuhan, Hubei territory, China, in December 2019. There are more than 48,15,484 infected cases all around the globe. This can be transmitted from one to another very quickly only by coughing or sneezing or direct contact with infected person. World Health Organization has also stated that no future course of this virus is available until now. As a preventive measure, the complete stop on outgoings i.e., lockdown, is surrendered. The lockdown all over the country or worldwide is becoming a huge crisis for the economy and of countries the life cycle of humans. The lockdown has affected all the businesses, works, private sectors, as well as government sectors. The impact of lockdown on the pharmaceutical industries can be a great boon if its taken positively.

Keywords: Coronavirus, Crisis, Impact, Lockdown, SARS-CoV-2, Transmitted, Wuhan


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How to Cite
Sharma, V., C. Majee, R. Kaushik, S. Kumari, D. Sharma, R. Sawanny, S. Bhardwaj, and B. Abdali. “CORONA VIRUS OUTBREAK AND IT’S IMPACT ON THE GLOBAL PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Vol. 3, no. 3, Dec. 2020, pp. 11-14, doi:10.31069/japsr.v3i3.3.
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