• Arpita Singh Department Of Pharmaceutics, Goel Institute Of Pharmacy And Sciences, Lucknow, U.P.
  • Anchal Srivastava Department Of Pharmaceutics, Goel Institute Of Pharmacy And Sciences, Lucknow, U.P.
  • Amresh Gupta Department Of Pharmaceutics, Goel Institute Of Pharmacy And Sciences, Lucknow, U.P.


A liposome is the drug delivery system used for the administration of various types of drugs, or active substance[1] is essential for the treatment of various types of disease. A liposome is a very effective drug delivery system to Target the active medicament to an effective part of the body without entrapping or affecting the other body part; that's why it is also called the targeted drug delivery system. Liposomes are available in various sizes to the range for treatment to various types of disease as the carrier for targeted the medicament or drug to active site at a predetermined rate and time range, without affecting the other body part for the treatment of a particular disease. they are colloidal spheres of cholesterol non-poisonous surfactants, sphingolipids, glycolipids, long-chain unsaturated fats, and even layer proteins and active atoms or it is also called vesicular system.[2] this review discusses the advantages and disadvantages, various methods of preparation, evaluation, etc.

Keywords: Liposome, Evaluation, Drug delivery system, Vesicles


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